Steve Cox, chief commercial officer at Fleet Mortgages, says that now rates appear to be heading downwards, there seems to be a growing, but cautious, optimism about what can be...
![Rate cut should prompt advisers to start conversations with their landlord clients Steve Cox Fleet 2024](
Steve Cox, chief commercial officer at Fleet Mortgages, says that now rates appear to be heading downwards, there seems to be a growing, but cautious, optimism about what can be...
The lender is also reintroducing its limited edition residential range.
The event will bring together a range of dedicated buy-to-let lenders, landlord services and tax advisers.
The lender has extended its criteria to include consumer buy-to-let as standard.
The Group has launched a new £2bn 'First-time Buyer Boost' package.
Virgin has also launched sub-4% residential product transfer rates as part of the changes.
The latest announcement marks the fourth round of rate cuts in August.
Hiten Ganatra, managing director at Visionary Finance, explains why an apparent exodus of landlords does not mean the end of opportunities in the buy-to-let sector.
Helen Cawthra of Vida Homeloans explores the current challenges facing first-time buyers, how the market and the government can meet changing buyer demand, and the opportunities for...
The Society will consider applications from UK and foreign nationals purchasing property in England or Wales.
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