A new survey of 300 UK mortgage brokers highlights growing concerns about rising interest rates and increasing regulatory complexity in the property market - with a majority expecting...

A new survey of 300 UK mortgage brokers highlights growing concerns about rising interest rates and increasing regulatory complexity in the property market - with a majority expecting...
A typical first-time buyer is currently paying a mortgage of £940 per month, compared with £590 per month five years ago.
The PRA is consulting on raising the leverage ratio threshold to £70 billion retail deposits.
Walker has previously held positions at Shawbrook Bank, OneSavings Bank, Legal & General and Lloyds Banking Group.
Steve Cox, chief commercial officer at Fleet Mortgages, says there appears to be growing landlord demand for buy-to-let finance in 2025 so far.
Rates have been reduced by 0.22% on all standard and green two-year and five-year fixed term products.
The new tool offers brokers a quick and efficient way to determine affordability.
The lender has announced widespread rate reductions across its standard, homebuying and retention ranges.
Quilter was one of 20 large firms contacted by the FCA over concerns around ongoing advice services.
The bank says it wants to create "a more focused organisation built on its core strengths".
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