Rebecca will oversee the mortgages and savings operations for the new bank.
![New lender Afin Bank appoints head of operations Rebecca Lewis Afin Bank](
Rebecca will oversee the mortgages and savings operations for the new bank.
Claire Askham, head of mortgage sales at Buckinghamshire Building Society, explores how lenders and brokers can help buy-to-let landlords navigate the impact of rising interest rates...
LendInvest has agreed a renewal of its £300 million funding facility with Lloyds.
Sesame advisers can now place cases with the specialist buy-to-let lender.
The bespoke platform has been developed collaboratively with brokers.
Despite being positive for business growth this year, concerns remain on macro-economic volatility and the challenge of securing repeat business.
Average rates have edged up again this week, after seeing reductions earlier this month.
The changes include enhancements for UK expats and international residents.
The system enables advisers to manage client pre-qualification, sourcing, case progression, and follow-ups from one central location.
Affordability remains most stretched in London and the South of England.
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