The average first-time buyer sees £100,000 property ladder profit in five years.
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The average first-time buyer sees £100,000 property ladder profit in five years.
The first-time buyer stamp duty threshold will revert back to £300,000 at the end of March 2025.
The Society has enhanced LTV and income requirements across the range.
The lender has reduced residential and buy-to-let rates by up to 0.29%.
The change will offer further flexibility to landlords who choose to finance their portfolio through a limited company.
HSBC is also introducing a new high value mortgage range from £2 million.
The Awards programme recognises the work of marketing within the intermediary space.
The Bank has reduced residential mortgage rates by up to 0.50%.
The lender has also increased the threshold for communications and utilities account defaults in the last three years from £300 to £500.
David Binney, head of sales at Norton Home Loans, argues that all individuals, regardless of their background or income, should have access to useful and affordable financial products...
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