ModaMortgages, which was launched earlier this year by Chetwood Bank, offer a range of buy-to-let mortgage products to new and existing landlords.
The addition of ModaMortgages comes after The Right Mortgage recently launched a new Accreditation Scheme for advisers who offer advice services in the buy-to-let mortgage space. The Right Mortgage is working closely with Roger Morris, Group Distribution Director at Chetwood Bank on this scheme.
Victoria Clark is Head of Lending at The Right Mortgage & Protection Network, commented:
“The buy-to-let sector is a core product area for us and our AR firms, so it’s important that we work with a wide variety of lenders in order to broaden the product offering available to members and their advisers. We are keen to promote improved standards in this space, hence our recent Accreditation Scheme launch, and we are particularly pleased to be working with both ModaMortgages and Chetwood Bank in order to develop these standards and to support the buy-to-let advice propositions of our members. We’re looking forward to sharing the ModaMortgages’ product and criteria offering with our firms and ensuring they secure positive outcomes for their landlord clients.”
Darrell Walker, Director of Sales and Distribution at ModaMortgages, commented:
“We’re excited to be able to expand ModaMortgages’ proposition to The Right Mortgage & Protection’s network of AR firms. The partnership will allow its advisers to access our full range of buy-to-let products which have been designed to make buy-to-let borrowing smarter, faster and simpler for brokers and their landlord clients.”