Tandem Bank launches broker affordability calculator

Tandem has enhanced its first charge mortgage offering in line with broker feedback.

Related topics:  Mortgages
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
22nd February 2024
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"We’re delighted to launch the affordability calculator, which will be again help our brokers with better and faster decisions."
- Mark Shelper, national account manager at Tandem

Tandem Bank has launched an affordability calculator to support intermediaries.

Brokers can now quickly check the maximum loan available in a few steps, leading to better and faster lending processes and decisions. The launch follows direct feedback from Tandem’s engagement with intermediaries.

Earlier this month, Tandem reduced rates across its high-LTV mortgage range.

Mark Shelper, national account manager at Tandem, said: “We’re delighted to launch the affordability calculator, which will be again help our brokers with better and faster decisions.

"Created following their feedback, the initial results are overwhelmingly positive – I’m delighted we can listen to them and act quickly to ensure Tandem remains a leader in the market and our proposition continues to develop.”

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