Rates now start from 6.09% with new fee options.

Rates now start from 6.09% with new fee options.
Chris Blewitt, head of mortgage distribution at Darlington Building Society, explores the latest mortgage product developments designed to help ease the affordability burden faced by...
The group will pay a collective £142 million in additional stamp duty tax.
The criteria change aims to enhance borrowing potential.
The government and FCA are considering relaxing mortgage affordability rules to boost first-time buyer lending.
Anna Lewis, commercial director at Castle Trust Bank, explores how bridging finance can provide first-time landlords with an alternative way to secure their first property.
First-time buyers are looking for more flexible ways to borrow, but the market is not always meeting these needs, brokers say.
The stamp duty changes will boost stamp duty receipts by over £1.1bn annually.
Gen H has reduced two and three-year products by up to 0.15%.
Brokers told Financial Reporter how changing communication needs, internet research and a more complex mortgage market are impacting their interactions with first-time buyers.
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