It’s hardly a secret that lending to individuals is on the up. Generally speaking lenders and their operations are getting slicker as they look to lend in larger volumes.
59% of brokers working in the development finance sector have said that the last time they approached a high street bank with a proposal for development finance it was rejected.
Providers of short and medium-term residential property finance, Omni Capital, has unveiled details of its new development funding product.
FR caught up with Head of Lending Nick Warren from development lender Regentsmead.
Bridging lender Fincorp has predicted 2014 may well see bridging lenders trying to woo brokers with higher procuration fees as they vie for business.
London-based real estate financier Montello, has announced the successful launch of its third fund, the Montello Real Estate Opportunity Fund. The Fund's initial target is to invest up...
Development finance lender Regentsmead have announced they will be holding a broker event in conjunction with Finance 4 Business and Capital Bridging.
Financial Reporter had a chat with John Waddicker, Director of Positive Bridging Finance.
Development finance lender Regentsmead have today announced a new exclusive product, headlining at 9%pa (.75% pm).
Financial Reporter had a chat with Noel Meredith, Executive Director at United Trust Bank, about development finance and broker relationships.
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