Redwood Bank appoints BDM for Scotland

Chris will use his network of contacts to continue Redwood’s expansion in the Scottish business banking sector.

Related topics:  Commercial
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
2nd July 2024
scotland scottish flag
"We’re thrilled to welcome Chris, who will be vital as we continue our work to step up our operations in Scotland."
- Gary Wilkinson, CEO and co-founder of Redwood Bank

Redwood Bank has bolstered its operations team north of the border with the appointment of a Scottish finance expert.

Chris Pallis, who has 17 years of experience in finance with firms including Lloyds, Santander and Barclays, is Redwood Bank’s new business development manager in Scotland.

Chris said: “I was attracted to Redwood by its lending model, which really fits the Scottish market very well indeed.

“I also really liked the people-focused attitude of the business, where the decisions are made by colleagues rather than by algorithms. That fits exactly with my way of operating. And I was impressed by the way Redwood goes the extra mile to find solutions for businesses and landlords.

“My favourite part of the job is speaking to people, I spend a lot of my time driving around Scotland meeting brokers - it’s always good to get to know someone more personally.

“This can really make a difference for anyone looking to expand their Scottish property portfolio. As every application is viewed by one of our team, we can make a common-sense decision, instead of relying on what a computer says.”

Gary Wilkinson, CEO and co-founder of Redwood Bank, added: “We’re thrilled to welcome Chris, who will be vital as we continue our work to step up our operations in Scotland. His contacts and infectious enthusiasm will be massive positives for our team.

“His emphasis on getting out there and building relationships with people really chimes with our customer-centric model – real people helping real businesses. That’s what we’re all about and we’re delighted to have added such a great fit for Redwood.”

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