Newbury BS reduces buy-to-let rates and removes booking fees

The Society has also increased the discount on its variable rates.

Related topics:  Mortgages,  Buy-to-let
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
12th January 2024
let house btl sign
"We’re very pleased to have been able to respond to the increased stability within the mortgage market in this way."
- Roger Knight, lending manager at Newbury BS

Newbury Building Society has launched a new range of improved buy-to-let products, including for limited company, holiday lets, and expats.

The Society has also removed booking fees across the whole range.

A standard five-year fixed rate has reduced from 5.79% to 5.49% and limited company five-year fixes are down from 6.29% to 5.89%. Holiday let and expat rates now start from 6.29%.

The discounetd rate on three and five-year products has increased to -1.75%.

The discount on limited company three-year rates has increased to -1.50% and on expat and holiday let three-year rates by by -0.25% to -1.25%.

The products are available across England and Wales, although the expat products are not available to those living in an EEA country.

Roger Knight, lending manager at Newbury Building Society, commented: “It makes for a very positive start to the new year when we’re able to make such a large swathe of reductions and improvements to our buy-to-let products.

"The Newbury has always been known for its flexible approach to specialist mortgage lending and we know many brokers turn to us for more complicated or unusual buy-to-let cases. We’re very pleased to have been able to respond to the increased stability within the mortgage market in this way.”

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