MPowered extends 0.3% cashback offer across purchase and remortgage ranges

The lender has also reduced rates by 20 basis points across selected two and three-year fixed rate products.

Related topics:  Mortgages
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
30th January 2024
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"The launch of our variable cashback products has been received well by the market, so making more products available was a no-brainer for us."
- Matt Surridge, sales director at MPowered

MPowered Mortgages has extended its 0.3% cashback offering across various products up to 85% LTV.

The 0.30% cashback is now available for all MPowered purchase products with a fee, as well as its legal assist range for customers looking to remortgage up to 85% LTV.

The cashback increases as the loan size increases and reflects the amount a customer borrows. As well as extending the cashback offer, MPowered has also reduced rates by 20 basis points across selected two and three-year fixed rate products.

Matt Surridge, sales director at MPowered, commented: “The launch of our variable cashback products has been received well by the market, so making more products available was a no-brainer for us. It further reflects MPowered’s mission to transform the mortgage process to make the house-buying journey as easy as possible for borrowers and brokers alike.

“Similarly, we are dedicated to bringing down rates wherever possible, and unlike high-street lenders, we can respond to even minor market fluctuations, enabling prompt adjustments to our products. Our continual ambition is to provide flexibility to ensure that every homebuyer can find the right product for them.

“Looking forward, we will continue to listen to brokers and to enhance, develop and expand our mortgage range in response to the varied needs of borrowers today.”

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