"It was excellent timing to understand the latest movements from around the industry in the same week the market was given the go-ahead to restart activity."
The first 'Road to Recovery' podcast was recorded on Friday 15th May, just two days after surveyors and estate agents were given the go ahead to resume activity, and the conversation ranged from a behind the curtain insight into what surveyors have been doing this week to be ready to mobilise, through to what the new normal might look like for lenders and brokers.
The panel of experts included:
• Esther Dijkstra, director of strategic partnerships at Lloyds Banking Group,
• Joanne Carrasco, business partnerships director at Stonebridge Group,
• Joe Arnold, managing director of Arnold and Baldwin Chartered Surveyors,
• John Coffield, head of mortgages at Paradigm Mortgage Services,
• Paul Adams, director of sales at Pepper Money,
• Andrew Montlake, managing director at Coreco Mortgage Brokers.
You can listen to the podcast at https://www.mortgagealliance.org.uk/news.
Alex Hammond, director of the Mortgage Market Alliance, said: "Our first Road to Recovery podcast was a huge success, with fantastic contributions from some very knowledgeable guests and it was excellent timing to understand the latest movements from around the industry in the same week the market was given the go-ahead to restart activity.
"It's worth listening all the way until the end, as I ask the panel what positives they can take from the current situation and am met with some particularly uplifting responses. Keep an eye on the Mortgage Market Alliance Twitter feed for details of next week's podcast and your opportunity to submit your questions to our panel of experts."