The products are tailored exclusively for experienced landlords.
![LendInvest launches expat buy-to-let range To Let BTL](
The products are tailored exclusively for experienced landlords.
Rent and mortgages spending grew by just 1.1% in August, the lowest rate of growth recorded since March 2023.
Brokers will receive an additional 30bps on every fifth anniversary of the mortgage for the remainder of the fixed term.
The change will allow borrowers bringing in a household income of £50,000 to borrow up to five times their income.
Qualifying professions include management consultancy and investment banking.
UK Finance says the payment shock for customers reaching the end of their fixed rate deals appears to have peaked at the end of last year.
O'Malley and Churchill join fellow BDMs Bec Murray and George Morgan, as well as senior BDM Becki Fraser-Tucker.
The Society has also enhanced its DMP and CCJ criteria.
Kash Moghul previously held key roles at ThinCats and Together.
All Quilter firms will have access to Gen H’s variety of products and tooling including its submissions platform Gen H Pro.
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