Gen H has reduced two and three-year products by up to 0.15%.
![Gen H cuts high-LTV rates, withdraws 60% and 70% LTV products coloured blocks with up and down arrows](
Gen H has reduced two and three-year products by up to 0.15%.
Sian McIntyre, head of acquisition and engagement at Barclays UK Life Moments, takes a look back at mortgage market sentiment in Q4 and explores the outlook for 2025 which she says...
Capital repayments and house price increases will make shared owners on average £29,000 better off as a result of equity growth.
TMA Club advisers can now access to ModaMortgages’ range of buy-to-let products.
The new products are offered for standard, limited company and HMO/multi-unit block landlord borrowers.
Mortgage and rental spending grows 2.0%, but consumer confidence remains unchanged.
Rates across the UK resident range have reduced by up to 0.12%.
Access has become one of just a handful of directly authorised firms that West Brom has partnered with.
The lender has reduced rates at 90% and 95% LTV.
Brokers told Financial Reporter how changing communication needs, internet research and a more complex mortgage market are impacting their interactions with first-time buyers.
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