Leeds BS partners with Mortgage Brain

Mortgage Brain will power the lender’s criteria policy pages on its intermediary website.

Related topics:  Mortgages
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
9th February 2024
Leeds Building Society
"The integration of these new criteria pages will further simplify the process for brokers"
- James O’Reilly, head of intermediary partnerships at Leeds BS

Mortgage Brain has announced a new partnership with Leeds Building Society. The collaboration introduces a fully customised Criteria Brain integration on Leeds Building Society's intermediary website to enhance the mortgage search process.

Mortgage Brain’s customised i-frame for Leeds Building Society will directly power the lender’s criteria policy pages on its intermediary website so brokers can access comprehensive and up-to-date criteria information on both residential and buy-to-let mortgage ranges.

Benefits for intermediaries include automatic criteria updates, no rekeying of information, and fewer pre-application policy calls to the lender.

Neil Wyatt, sales and marketing director at Mortgage Brain, said: “At Mortgage Brain, we're dedicated to streamlining and enhancing the mortgage process through the sharing of proven technology. Our latest collaboration with Leeds Building Society is a key example, showcasing our commitment to simplifying mortgages through innovation. Our focus is on significantly improving the adviser experience by delivering the most accurate and current data to enable them to best serve their diverse range of clients. This initiative with Leeds Building Society is part of a growing trend, as more lenders choose our technology to enrich their website policy pages, recognising the value it brings to the industry.”

James O’Reilly, head of intermediary partnerships at Leeds Building Society, added: "The integration of these new criteria pages will further simplify the process for brokers and is the latest in a series of innovations the Society has delivered, including our new Reach mortgage product range and limited company buy-to-let enhancements, with more coming soon.

“This venture with Mortgage Brain equips our intermediary partners with a tool that is not only efficient and precise but also reflects our commitment to excellence in mortgage lending services."

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