Twenty7tec has announced that the number of green mortgage searches has reached a new peak, with homebuyers rather than landlords driving increases in the market.
February was the busiest month ever for green mortgages, seeing six of the ten busiest days for green mortgage searches, including the top four busiest days ever.
A new daily record was set on 25th February and a new seven-day record was set on 28th February.
Nathan Reilly, director at Twenty7tec, said: “In 2025 to date, we’ve already seen almost the same number of green mortgage searches as we did in the first five months of 2024.
“Normally, increases in green mortgages are driven by the buy-to-let market as landlords seek to recoup some of their energy efficiency investments through improved mortgage rates available for stock with better EPC ratings.
“But in February 2025, it was homebuyers who drove the increases in the market, pushing volumes to record highs. New products will, we believe, continue to emerge for the homebuyer market, rewarding lower EPC ratings, and households are looking to take advantage of the lower rates available.
“In recent years, around one in three green mortgage searches were for landlords, but in February 2025, this is only one in eight, a sign of how quickly the market is growing.”