The new BrokerStream system includes full integration with Assureweb and L&G GIology for quotations and applying online.
The BrokerStream system has been designed specifically for Adviser Firms that specialise in giving advice on Life and General Insurance and includes dedicated Fact Finds for each separate business type as well as a combined Fact Find for when multiple product types are required.
Advisers can record details of all existing polices including Life, Critical Illness, Income Protection, Pensions, Investment, Savings and any other existing policy type and quoting on new policies with workflow, commission tracking, document generation & management, letter and e-mailshots, with full management information and compliance reporting available across all policy types.
BrokerStream shares many time saving features with its sister product MortgageStream including PhoneStream for “click to dial”, call recording plus TextStream for updating clients on the policy on risk dates.
Brokers are able to download a free trial to evaluate how the new system could work for them
Paul Holden, Sales Director at MortgageStream commented:
“Over the last few years many Brokers have expanded into new areas giving advice on a range of Life, Critical Illness as well as General & Motor Insurance, we have therefore expanded our range of products and services by creating BrokerStream to accommodate their needs in a fast moving market.
"The recent integration to Assureweb & GIology gives our customers single data entry access to the leading providers for quotations and online application with full documentation saved back to the Brokers own desktop in the relevant client files in the software.
"This completely eliminates rekeying of data, increasing accuracy and efficiency. Further integrations are planned for the future and so we are delighted to be able to offer new functionality to a wider broker audience."