Why episodic marketing means big business for big brands

In the world of marketing, executives are facing greater challenges than ever before. Increased competition, media fragmentation and changes in consumer behavior and attitudes are

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Millie Dyson
14th September 2010
Why episodic marketing means big business for big brands
Marketers are now combining traditional advertising with new marketing methods so they can reach consumers and create a new level of consumer awareness.

Episodic marketing therefore allows executives to use new exciting ways to get consumers involved with a brand. Analysts say that episodic marketing gives marketers a more focused and tighter connection to consumers and can therefore be executed in a more cohesive way.

Over at Method. the environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning products company, the idea of creating an episodic brand is something the organization has been privy to for some time.

In fact, according to a recent study of global brands that have driven the most brand ROI in the last seven years, Method was ranked eleventh out of 25,000. Method’s Co-Founder and current Chief-Brand Architect Eric Ryan, says that Method is a “Belief Brand” – one that sells a philosophy and a culture – and admits that he stays ahead by being episodic.

Ryan, in an interview with executive business channel MeetTheBoss.tv, says:

“It’s like a great television show. You always have new episodes. And if a show is really great, you have a narrative that just allows you to keep come up with fantastic shows,” he says, before jokingly noting The Love Boat as a (probably bad) example.

 Ryan goes on to explain that great brands work in the same way. He believes that successful brands have the ability to constantly develop new stories and new narratives, which essentially act as episodes to keep consumers constantly engaged.

Ryan offers by way of example:

“We [The consumer] always over-reference Apple. We always look with anticipation to what Apple will do next, and those are just nothing more than episodes."

In order for a brand to be episodic, however, and in order to be able to constantly develop new stories, Ryan believes you to have a very rich philosophy and an idea.

“If you’re a brand that is built off of one single attribute, it can become difficult to continually come up with these new stories.”

To find out more about how Method are continuing to build on their creating a belief brand and staying ahead of the curve to create and dynamic episodes, head to MeetTheBoss.tv
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