What does the RDR Platform Policy mean for Wraps, Platforms and Providers?

In a live WebTV show, three industry experts speak candidly about the latest proposals from the FSA and answer your questions and offer advice.

Related topics:  Special Features
Millie Dyson
26th September 2011
What does the RDR Platform Policy mean for Wraps, Platforms and Providers?

Show date: Thursday 29th September 2011
Show time: 2pm


The Financial Services Authority’s platform policy paper has created renewed debate about the likely impact of new regulations on wraps, fund supermarkets and providers.

- Will Wraps succeed in the fight against a total ban on rebates?

- Will fund platforms transparent charging structure drive down fund manager rebates?

- Will providers have enough time to implement system changes for a legacy commission ban?

Legal & General have lined up three key industry experts in a head to head live debate about these and many other questions over how the FSA’s policy will work when the new regulations come into effect at the end of 2012.

Alastair Conway – Sales and Marketing Director at Cofunds Funds Platform, Hugo Thorman - Managing Director at Wrap Platform Ascentric and Danny Wynn – Director, Platforms and Policy at Legal & General tackle the issues and answer your questions about what the new regulations mean for your business.

It is widely acknowledged that advisers’ use of platforms will increase to meet the demands of RDR. So will the continued uncertainty around the FSA’s platform recommendations have an impact on IFA business models?

Has the FSA resolved the debate or could there be further change ahead?

Log onto the live WebTV show with Hugo, Danny and Alastair as they discuss what the new regulations mean for your business from January 2013.


Hugo Thorman, Danny Wynn and Alastair Conway join them live online on 29th September 2011 at 2pm to discuss the RDR Platform Policy.

Click here to submit questions before the show
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