Crowdproperty appoints head of business development

Simon has held previous roles at London Credit and Alternative Bridging Corporation.

Related topics:  Specialist Lending,  Development finance
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
18th June 2024
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"We are looking forward to seeing the impact he has across London and the surrounding areas with developers and brokers over the coming weeks and months."
- Damon Walford, chief commercial officer at CrowdProperty

Platform-based property development finance provider, CrowdProperty, has appointed a new head of business development for London and the South East.

Simon Michael joins the company with more than two decades’ financial services experience, spanning mortgages, business development, operations, and bridging finance.

Simon’s appointment follows the arrival of CrowdProperty’s new head of intermediaries, Steve Smith, who joined the company in February.

Established in 2014, CrowdProperty has funded the development of 3,584 homes across the UK, which equates to £844 million of property in total.

Simon said: “It’s great to be on board. The sheer scale of the role really appealed to me – it’s a major opportunity for me to leverage all of my experience from over the years for an industry-leading company that inherently understands its customers.

“One of the main things that really stands out to me about CrowdProperty, is the fact the company was established and is run by property developers for property developers, who have encountered many of the funding-related issues faced by its customers first-hand.”

Damon Walford, chief commercial officer at CrowdProperty, added: “We are extremely pleased to have welcomed yet another exceptionally experienced professional to our team. It’s great to see Simon has already hit-the-ground running, and we are looking forward to seeing the impact he has across London and the surrounding areas with developers and brokers over the coming weeks and months.”

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