BSA calls for regulatory change to increase high LTV and high LTI lending

Affordability challenges mean that first-time buyers increasingly need two above-average incomes, the BSA says.

Related topics:  Mortgages
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
22nd April 2024
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"A properly functioning housing market is dependent on first-time buyers being able to afford their first home."
- Paul Broadhead, head of mortgage and housing policy at the BSA

"Significant changes" are required to help prospective first-time buyers get onto the property ladder in the current housing market, according to a new report from the Building Societies Association (BSA).

The report, written by housing expert Neal Hudson, finds that the ability to become a first-time buyer is increasingly dependent on the Bank of Mum and Dad, while successful first-time buyers increasingly need to have two incomes that are higher than the average.

Meanwhile, those without family help, are single or on lower incomes are being excluded from homeownership. In March 2024, 32% of people reported that they want to buy their own home but don’t think they will be able to.

The biggest challenge facing first-time buyers is affordability – both affording the cost of buying and owning a home. The latest BSA Property Tracker Report shows that the recent interest rate rises have led to affordability of mortgage repayments being cited as the biggest challenge for would-be first-time buyers.

Call to action

With more than 2 million fewer owner-occupier mortgages since the peak in 2002, the BSA is calling on government to commit to working with lenders, the wider housing market industry, and the public, with the sole aim of making homes more affordable, more available, and more appropriate to the needs of those living in them.

It is urging the government to commission an independent review, setting out a long-term strategy that will increase the number of first-time buyers, both now and in the future, with a commitment that the findings will be published and implemented within 12 months.

Alongside policy action, the BSA says regulatory changes are needed particularly to support those on the fringes to buy their own home, stating that "the pendulum, which since the financial crisis has swung towards a stricter regulatory environment rather than towards the social benefits of higher rates of homeownership, should be reviewed to increase the availability of 95% loan-to-value mortgages".

The BSA is also asking for more regulatory flexibility on the cap on high loan-to-income lending and a review of the pre and post-retirement mortgage market to ensure lending regulations better reflect the increase in longer mortgage terms and the ageing population.

Paul Broadhead, head of mortgage and housing policy at the BSA, said: “Becoming a first-time buyer is possibly the most expensive it has been over at least the last 70 years, but a properly functioning housing market is dependent on first-time buyers being able to afford their first home. Whilst building societies are creating bespoke, targeted innovations within the current regulatory framework, new thinking and radical changes are needed.

“There is no silver bullet to increasing first-time homebuyers and it won’t be possible to help everyone who wants to become a homeowner in the current high price-to-income housing market. But there are many things that can help to fix the broken housing market. That starts with changes to regulations and support schemes that not only help today’s first-time buyers, but don’t fail future generations.”

Kate Davies, executive director of the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders’ Association (IMLA), commented: “We welcome the BSA’s timely report on the challenges facing first-time buyers and their recommendations for a Government review of the market, regulation and housing policy.

“The UK is an advanced economy which is home to one of the most diverse, competitive and innovative mortgage industries in the world. And yet we are in the midst of a housing crisis, with fewer affording to buy a home, and more renters struggling to secure accommodation.

“There is a viable argument for Government-backed first-time buyer support, which must be accompanied by a sustainable plan to deliver more quality, affordable housing on a major scale, in both the private and social sectors.

“In the meantime, IMLA believes that Government needs to acknowledge the crucial role buy-to-let landlords play in the Private Rented Sector which provides homes for almost 20% of the UK’s households. We believe landlords deserve more support, rather than a punitive tax and regulatory regime which threatens to push many out of existence, exacerbating the shortage of rental properties available and pushing up the cost of rent for the remainder.”

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