"It’s incredible to be able to launch the Women’s Recognition Awards hot on the heels of our announcement about joining the Women in Finance Charter"
The Women’s Recognition Awards has been founded to recognise the success of women in our industry, to shine a spotlight on those dedicated to the cause of gender equality, and to encourage better and broader conversations about an industry where hard work merits success, regardless of gender.
Financial Reporter's parent company, Barcadia Media, recently became the first financial services media publication to join the HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter.
Following the introduction of the Charter, momentum has gathered behind the movement towards making a traditionally male-dominated industry not only a welcoming space for women, but also one in which they are given the tools and opportunities to thrive.
The WRAs strive to be a part of this positive change, by recognising the women who are succeeding and creating a path for an industry where hard work merits success, regardless of gender.
Categories will recognise women's achievement in particular categories such as mortgages and specialist lending, as well as people in the industry who have made notable strides towards gender equality, either through raising awareness or by implementing specific changes within their workplace.
Nominations will open in May 2018 for people to nominate either themselves or someone in their industry who they feel deserves to be recognised in their field.
After the closing date a panel of judges, comprising of both women and men from across financial services, will then decide the finalists of each of our categories. With their years of experience, encyclopaedic knowledge of our industry, and personal efforts to increase gender equality in financial services, our judges will be well placed to consider nominations and uncover what makes our finalists worthy winners.
Winners will be revealed at the WRA Winners’ Party in September and will - in true Financial Reporter style - be an evening to remember with a champagne reception, fantastic company, and some surprises along the way, giving all of our winners the celebration they deserve.
For more information and updates, visit www.frwra.co.uk.
Amy Loddington, director of communications at Barcadia Media, said: “It’s incredible to be able to launch the Women’s Recognition Awards hot on the heels of our announcement about joining the Women in Finance Charter - this is something we feel passionately about, and we want to make sure that translates into real action, starting with our awards programme.
“These awards are designed to shine a light on the hard work and brilliance of women in our industry, to amplify women’s voices, and to acknowledge those companies who are putting gender diversity high on their priority lists - and we’re looking forward to it!”